Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Growing can be a highly personal time. It was for me....
I was intensely devoted to my work and rose each morning at 4 am in order to be prepared. My thick work Carharts were dusty and oily, my hands heavily calloused and tough. Each day I wore a toolbelt that was loaded with 30 pounds of tools and nails. I wore a harness and dangled off the side of things; fearless in the crisp air. I felt enormously powerful and physically fit, a leopard in a jungle of rebar and concrete forms. On the weekend I spent time with my boyfriend and cats; I had a close relationship with my mother. My few moments of idle time were spent in my garden and I had decided to grow sunflowers.
I became pregnant and it necessitated many changes. You cannot place yourself in a harness and dangle fearlessly, if you are afraid of the fall. My ability to work with out fear was now hampered and my my general effectiveness at work diminished. I couldn't touch solvents anymore; they cause terrible birth defects... at work I was riddled with concerns. The tomboy in me that enjoyed the rough and tumble of my work was becoming more hesitant. It was painful for me to have to surrender a job that I adored in order to have a baby. What did I know of infants and mothering? I knew welding and gang forms, spud wrenches and spline drives .. but diapers? During the summer I enjoyed the sunflowers I had planted, as I rested at home, twiddling my thumbs. Even now sometimes as I hold my most precious baby boy, I hear the ringing of the pile hammer exploding through bedrock, I hear the scrape of my chalkstone on metal plate, I smell the wet steel rusting in the rain, I see the puddles of water on the surface of a badly beaten barge deck...


Diane Dehler said...

I hear the "call of the wild" in this post and a conflict often belonging to motherhood. The need for individuation can oppose the need to nurture. How are these conflicting needs resolved?

Princess Haiku says that Deep, Dark Indelible Green will know after both she and baby sunflower have grown a little more. Perhaps the paths will weave together or a third will emerge that binds the two in love.

Diane Dehler said...

Besides which, this post is very expressive and will speak to the heart of many mothers.

Diane Dehler said...

As far as your question goes just ask google. What is my ISP address? It will take you to helpful sites. Meanwhile, you don't have links below your cat blog. Before you post, check the options add ons at the below of the box. You have an option to allow backlinks or comments or not.

vanishingword said...

Ah ha! What a foolish cat blogger I am! Weenie has berated me just now, he says all comments about him must be allowed. Well, only if they are appreciative of his massive effort to retain his weight...