Thursday, April 26, 2007

The fighting birds

Up on the windswept hill above my house, is a group of tall green pine trees. They tower around a seventy feet high, and bend and move in the elevated breezes. In the very tippy-top of one of them a pair of white sea hawks has been busy making a nest. I looked them up online and they are called white tailed hawks. A few trees over from them, a family of rowdy and loud neighbors have decided to make their own nest.
Its the hawks against the ravens.
I took the baby out for a walk yesterday and I had to stop in the mid-hill to watch in horror and amazement. A hawk was gliding in a for a peaceful landing, when POW, a raven knocked him upside down. I could see a burst of feathers, and his small red claws turned up in surprise! He must have been totally stunned by the blow, because he fell about ten feet upside down before he got his balance in the air again. They have been fighting all the time lately. The babies must make them more protective and territorial. A baby will make you act like that, I guess.

1 comment:

Zimbob said...

Cool, I guess the hawk won't call the raven a black poofter again...
