Friday, April 13, 2007


All you have to do is guess these tools correctly and figure out their proper use! Sounds easy? Get them correct and you win a prize! (accolades and praise)!
(1.) I am a ___ ?
(2.) I am used for ___ ?


Diane Dehler said...

I can tell this is a dangerous contest as in hammer drops on toe. Primary use- defense.


vanishingword said...


Diane Dehler said...

Define wrong. BTW could you vote for me again at Blog Village?

soubriquet said...

To the Left, a saw. When played with a rosined bow, such as a violinist might own, the saw can make sounds of ethereal beauty, similar to the music of the theremin.
In the middle, this item, known as 'hammer' is a scupture of a little man holding a big, long pole.
Times of boredom can be alleviated by trying to balance him on his two curved feet, leaning back to balance the pole, in happy equilibrium.
On the right, there is a thingummy which other people use to extract nails, but I find very useful for liberating walnut brains from their hard constricting skulls.
The skulls, halved, make rather nice boats.
For very tiny imaginary people.

vanishingword said...

Thingummy? Wrong again my friends.

Lebbercherrie said...

On the right we have a crowbar, very useful for demolishing plywood walls, extracting nails, shouldering while wiping sweat from your forehead in your most macho pose to entice the opposite sex (in this case the missus Lebbercherrie), prying woodwork open and generally smashing things into smithereens. Mine is now in the proximity of the frontdoor, just for safety.

vanishingword said...

Wrong name, and if you attempted to demolish anything by prying with this tool (on the right), it would be forever embedded in your forehead. Somehow I doubt Mrs. Lebbercherrie would be impressed with your tears and sobbing... but perhaps.
Guess again my wily foxes!

Lebbercherrie said...

I give up. What is it?

vanishingword said...

Its called a Cats Paw. There is officially no winner, and I will try with a new set of tools. Did I make it too difficult?

Lebbercherrie said...

And what is it exactly used for? Except as a replacement for amputated catfeet?

Not too difficult, although the third one was tricky.

vanishingword said...

A cats paw allows you to pull nails without tearing up your project. Much nicer than using the claw of your hammer...

Lebbercherrie said...

Aaaah, mystery resolved. Tut Anck Amon can rest now.