Monday, May 28, 2007

Well, husband is still really sick. We went and saw specialists last week. Won't be posting often until he's feeling better. Seems like there is 9 million more things I have to get done during the day, with him home all day now. :(


Mrs. M said...

So sorry to hear that your husband is still not well. It's scary and draining on all levels when someone you love isn't at optimal health. I'll send you all good health vibes. Hang in there.

Diane Dehler said...

Sending thoughts of healing energy.

Lebbercherrie said...

I said it before, and I'll say it again; all the best to your husband and you. Hard to do anything for you guys, being half a world apart, but we haven't forgotten about you.

Occy said...

May the force be w/ you. Seriously.

vanishingword said...

thanks! It sure is nice of you all.

Shaz said...

Sending healing prayers your way to you & yours. was gonna tag you but I'll let you miss this one (For Now). take care x x x

BoggyWoggy said...

Oh, I hope it all works out. Feeilng ill is absolutely the worst...and it seems to be putting such a strain on your family. Best wishes...keep us updated!