Monday, May 7, 2007

I am a killer.

I have killed, and I will kill again.

A picture of my unwary victim.
Did you know that only adult female mosquitoes bite? I was baffled to learn that female mosquitoes need the protein in the blood to produce eggs. The rather harmless male, sips nectar from flowers and plants. The females, do this as well, but it is their quest for blood that makes them a pest. And get this, not all species of mosquitoes bite humans - some species prefer birds, large mammals, or even snakes!
A bug that bites a snake, now thats entertaining. How do you suppose a snake itches its self?
Just a thought...


Lebbercherrie said...

Did you know as well that the itching sensation is the result of an interupted bite? When the mosquito "bites" it actually pierces a very small hole in your vein and in order to keep the blood from collagulating it injects a certain liquid. When the mosquito has all the time he wants to drink, he will drink that anti-collagulating stuff with it. If not, it will be left in your body and result in an itching mosquito bite. Oh, and when done biting, they will stop buggung and pestering you. So the best thing to do is, let them bite whatever they want, after half an hour they should be done and you can go to sleep. Just don't try this in the jungle.

vanishingword said...

Or on the Alaskan tundra. I hear they will suck you dry rather quickly.

Shaz said...

Andy is from NZ & when we visit (not often enough) those little pests eat me alive, to the point I was unable to walk!

BoggyWoggy said...

That isn't true, Lebbercherrie. As avid mosquito prey, myself, I can honestly say that I'm sucked on regularly at night, and do not wake up to swat away the predator. I wake up in the morning with huge welts that itch like mad. Also, the "liquid" you mention is absorbed into the surrounding flesh and tissues. Some of it, I'm sure, remains available to be sucked back up, but much is left behind...