Wednesday, May 16, 2007

In celebration of poor planning...

Our honorary winner is Santa Rosa Junior College, with whom I spoke with on Tuesday. (Booo, Hisssss)
I ask the college counselor, "What do you have set up for women who are breast feeding and need to pump on campus?" I receive a pause and a polite, "Hold on, I'll see.." I need to interject at this point that I am thoroughly shocked at the lack of accommodation and foresight exhibited by this brand new facility in Petaluma, Ca. Is it so surprising that I don't think a bathroom is adequate!? There isn't even a chair or an electrical outlet or anything. There are all these germs from people who don't wash their hands before/after they use the toilet- we are talking about my infant's food supply after all. I don't think this is entertaining in the least.
So anyway, the counselor comes back and says there is nowhere available. Her suggestion? Use my car; put up some shades and pump in my car. Please, it will be close to 100 degrees in the summer. I will still be the crazy naked lady in the car. I mean really. Do they think that is a solution? Are all the office rooms full on that campus? There is no cubicle with a couch, or measly chair that is private? I could tell this woman was embarrassed when I asked her if she realized how many times I would have to be out in my car. Thats alot of missed time from classes, but what is my option? In order to maintain your milk supply you need to pump as often as every two hours and no longer than 5 hours. The lady suggested I pump the day before and save the milk, I had to explain the whole supply and demand thing to her. Anyway, aren't they supposed to give guidance on classes and not breast milk pumping? If I had listened to her advice I would have wrecked my milk supply. She didn't realize she was talking to a lactovist. :)I will be directing my tirade at the Dean soon.


Diane Dehler said...

This link might help.

Diane Dehler said...

Shaz said...

Althought this is shocking it's so common in the UK. Some woman did a protest & all lined up outside a store & fed their babies. No one even noticed what they were doing which goes to proove a point. Hope you get this issue resolved soon x x

Skye said...

It isn't shocking that with all the talk of organics and good healthly food that the very beginning of where it all begins is totally neglected. Let me know if I can help in any way.