Thursday, August 9, 2007

My final paper for summer session.

Title: I can never hang up the phone.

Thesis: Why I pontificate on every subject.

Supporting statement: My @$%@** phone bill.

More expounding: My husband is always rolling his eyes at me. ( what does it mean?)

Conclusion: Wait a minute I wasn't done yet...

Grade: -c


Lebbercherrie said...

Not quite familiar with those sort of grades, does that mean you passed or not? Over here, we use figures, like 6 out of ten, or 90 out of a hundred.

Zimbob said...

C'mon Leb, you know what a C- is... You used to get 'em all the time...

Lebbercherrie said...

I seriously don't know, that's how dumb I yam, y'all. I know that an A is good, that's it. Sorry if youse so clever, but ai eein't got no klu.

Shaz said...

C isn't bad!

vanishingword said...

I wish to clarify that i got an A! :)